Saturday, 19 November 2016

Prophecy of the Cult of Dhu Khalasah

In the Name of Allah; the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was undoubtedly a true prophet of God who made countless prophecies, multitudes of which have already been verifiably fulfilled.

The Prophet was sent to the pagan, idol-worshiping Arabs, who worshiped literally hundreds of idols and false “gods”. It is said that in the Sacred Ka’ba itself the pagan Arabs had placed 360 idols, one to worship for each day of the year.

But by the grace and divine help of Allah Most High, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was successful in his mission, and put an end to idolatry in Arabia. Each and every idol-worshiping cult was terminated, the idols broken, and their temples and shrines razed to the ground.

One of the idols was Dhi al-Khalasah, a shrine in Yemen that was dedicated to the worship of a false god. The shrine rivaled the House of God in Mecca, and it was known as the Ka’bat al-Yamaniyah (the Yemenite “Ka’ba). The Prophet (peace be upon him) sent his companion Jarir b. Abdullah (Allah be pleased with him) with fifty knights from the noble tribe of Ahmas to destroy the idol. They ended up burning it to ashes, which greatly delighted the Prophet (peace be upon him) who invoked blessings of Allah upon them five times.

But amazingly, the Prophet (peace be upon him) predicted that one day the cult of Dhi al-Khalasa would be revived:

لَا تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى تَضْطَرِبَ أَلَيَاتُ نِسَاءِ دَوْسٍ عَلَى ذِي الْخَلَصَةِ
“The Hour will not be established until the buttocks of the women of Daws (a tribe) move while going round Dhi al-Khalasa.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari; Kitab al-Fitan)
It is quite noteworthy that of the literally hundreds of idols that the pagan Arabs worshiped, the Prophet (peace be upon him) specified the cult of Dhi al-Khalasa as being revived before the Hour (Judgment Day).
Now the reader should be informed that this prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has already been fulfilled. But instead of bringing testimony or evidence from an Islamic or Muslim source, I will quote a Lebanese Christian historian, Professor Kamal S. Salibi (1929 - 2011), professor of history at the American University of Beirut, to confirm this fact.
It is obvious that a Christian has no motive to fabricate history in order to prove the truth of a Prophet he does not believe in. Furthermore, it is highly doubtful that Prof. Salibi was even aware that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had made this prophecy concerning the revival of the cult of Dhi al-Khalasa.
Nevertheless, Prof. Salibi writes:
“In the early seventh century, the worship of Dhu Khulasah was still popular in some Arabian regions; its principal sanctuary was somewhere south of Mecca the famous al-Ka’bah al-Yamaniyah (the ‘Southern Kaaba’), rivalling that of Mecca, and believed to have been located in Tubalah, in inland Asir. After the triumph of Islam, Muhammad, we are told, sent a party of his followers to destroy the idol of Dhu Khulasah which stood there a sculpture of white stone depicting a phallus topped by a crown. The cult of Dhu Khulasah, however, was subsequently resurrected in the region, where it survived until 1815. In that year, the Wahhabis organized a special military campaign to suppress remnants of pagan worship in different parts of Asir, and the reconstructed idol of Dhu Khulasah in his original Kaaba of Tubalah was destroyed by gunfire.”

Reference: Who was Jesus? Conspiracy in Jerusalem; p. 146

Furthermore, the prophecy indicates that the women of the Daws tribe in particular will be in the forefront of the worship of this false god Dhi al-Khalasa. This fact is confirmed by another non-Islamic source, Mark A. Caudill writes:
“Another temple dedicated to the phallus god Dhu al-Khalasah (‘he who has substance’, represented by a carved piece of white quartzite) is said to have existed at a place called al-Waliyyah (near the present-day northern Asir town of Tabalah), a seven nights’ journey from Mecca on the way to Sanaa. Its focus was Canopus, the brightest star in the Hejazi heavens after Sirius. Reportedly the site of ritual prostitution, Dhu al-Khalasah’s temple was maintained by the Banu Umamah’s clan of the Daws tribe.”

Reference: Twilight in the Kingdom: Understanding the Saudis; p. 133

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