Thursday, 18 November 2021

Imam al-Ghazali's Claim of Being a Mujaddid

 بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

سُبُّوحٌ قُدُّوسٌ رَبُّ المَلاَئِكَةِ وَالرُّوحِ

I previously cited the evidence that Shaykh Ahmad of Sirhind رحمة الله عليه claimed to be not only a Mujaddid, but the Mujaddid for the entire second millennium.

Another Mujaddid-claimant was hujjat al-Islam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali رحمة الله عليه who said:

فشاورت في ذلك جماعة من أرباب القلوب والمشاهدات، فاتفقوا على الإشارة بترك العزلة، والخروج من الزاوية، وانضاف إلى ذلك منامات من الصالحين كثيرة متواترة، وتشهد بأن هذه الحركة مبدأ خير ورشد قدرها الله سبحانه على رأس هذه المائة فاستحكم الرجاء. وغلب حسن الظن بسبب هذه الشهادات وقد وعد الله سبحانه بإحياء دينه على رأس كل مئة، ويسر الله الحركة إلى نيسابور، للقيام بهذا المهم في ذي القعدة

On this matter I consulted a number of men skilled in the science of the heart and with experience of contemplation. They unanimously advised me to abandon my retirement and leave the zawiyah (hospice). My resolution was further strengthened by numerous visions of good men in all of which alike I was given the assurance that this impulse was a source of good, was genuine guidance, and had been determined by Allah most high for the beginning of this century; for Allah most high has promised to revive His religion at the beginning of each century. My hope became strong, and all these considerations caused the favourable view of the project to prevail. Allah most high facilitated my move to Nishapur to deal with this serious problem in [the month of] Dhil-Qa’dah (al-Munqidh min ad-Dalal; p.51):

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