Thursday, 18 November 2021

Outline of the Original Kharijite Sects and Doctrines






Declare ‘AliRA an unbeliever, apply 2:204 to him, and apply 2:207 to Ibn Muljim. Make takfir of UthmanRA, TalhahRA, ZubairRA, A’ishahRA, AbbasRA. Make takfir of anyone who stayed behind and did not go to battle, even if they agree with his views. Permit killing of women and children of the enemy. Children of polytheists are with their parents in Hell forever. Reject the punishment of stoning for adultery and the punishment for slandering chaste men. Taqiyah is not permissible. God may send a Prophet whom He knows will become an unbeliever, or make an unbeliever into a Prophet. Commission of sin makes one out of Islam and eternally in Hell. Those who are not his followers are polytheists, not merely unbelievers. Cut hand of thief regardless of amount stolen being large or small.

Abī Rāshid Nāfi’ b. al-Azraq


No need for an Imam. His followers may be punished in a place other than Hell before entering Paradise. Reject any hadd punishment for drinking wine. Habitual commission of minor sins makes one a polytheist, but one remains a Muslim if does not persist in major sins. Life and property of people of covenant and dhimmis are permissible during state of taqiyah.

Najdah b. ‘Āmir


Sinners are polytheists. Another group said committing a sin for which there is no definite punishment makes one an unbeliever. Another group said committing a sin which is punished by the governor makes one an unbeliever.

Ziyād b. al-Așfar


Professing friendship for friends of God and disassociation from enemies of God requirement for being a Muslim. Knowledge of divine prohibitions for which there is a warning is required. Faith is knowledge in the heart of all that is right and all that is wrong and does not consist of words and deeds. Also reported he said faith is knowledge and confession. Most Baihasiyyah say faith is knowledge, confession and deeds. Some say everything is lawful except what is prohibited by Revelation. Some say when an Imam becomes an unbeliever all his followers become unbelievers too.

Abī Baihas Haișam b. ‘Āmir


Disassociate from child until puberty when he is called to Islam. Children of polytheists in Hell with their parents. Property is not booty and can’t be seized until owner is killed. Deny Surat Yusuf is part of the Quran, because love story can’t be part of the Quran.

Abd al-Karīm b. ‘Ajrad


Believed also in taking the zakat from slaves if they became rich, and giving them a share of it if they became poor.

Tha’labah b. ‘Āmir


The doctrine of the final state, al-muwāfāt, namely, that God takes as friends those whom He knows will have faith at the end of their lives; on the other hand He disassociates Himself from those whom He knows will be without faith at the end. God does not cease to love His friends and hate His enemies.

Hāzim b. ‘Alī


Man’s act is created and brought into being by himself. God wills good and not evil, and does not will man’s disobedience. They permitted marriage with granddaughters on both sides and with the daughters of the children of brothers and sisters. Deny that the sura Yusuf forms part of the Quran. It is a duty to take up arms against the Sultan and punish him according to the law, together with all those who accept his government.

Maimūn b. Khālid


Allows the possibility of two imams at one time as long as there is no unanimous agreement with regard to one of them, and the enemy has not yet been conquered.

Hamzah b. Adrak


God had no knowledge till He created it for Himself; moreover, things only become known to Him when they come into being and have existence.

Abī Khālid Ziyād b. Abd al-Rahmān


Anyone who omits prayer is an unbeliever, not because he omits prayer but because of his ignorance of God. He applied this principle to every grave sin man commits, and said that a man becomes an unbeliever on account of his ignorance of God. God is a friend of His servants or their enemy according to what they will be at the time of death, and not according to their deeds now. His friendship or enmity are based on His knowledge of what a man will be at the time of death.

Abī Mukram or Mukram b. ‘Abd Allāh al-’Ijlī


If anyone does not know God, with all His names and attributes, he is ignorant of Him; and anyone ignorant of Him was an unbeliever.



We should hold for certain that whoever believes as we do shall go to Paradise. We should not add, ‘if God wills’, for that would mean there was some doubt in our belief. Those who say, therefore, we are believers, if God wills, are doubters. We shall certainly go to Paradise – of this there is no doubt.

Yahyā b. Așdam

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Sinner Not a Believer When Actively Committing the Sin

  بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ ‌ قُدُّوسٌ ‌قُدُّوسٌ ‌قُدُّوسٌ الصلاة والسلام عليك يا سيدي يا رسول الله In the Name of Allah, th...