Saturday, 22 January 2022

Nasibi Deny Aale Muhammad Includes Prophet's Progeny

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

والصلاة والسلام على رسوله الكريم

Among the deviations of the Nasibis like Faiz Alam Siddiqi is the belief that the term آل محمد aale Muhammad encompasses only the Prophet’s wives (may Allah be pleased with them) and not his daughter sayyidatuna Fatima, his son-in-law sayyidina Ali, his grandsons sayyidina Hasan and sayyidina Husain and their progeny (peace be upon them). Faiz Alam Siddiqi said:

آل محمد ص سے مراد صرف نبی علیہم السلام کی ازواج مطہرات رض ہیں

Aale Muhammad means only the pure wives of the Prophet peace be upon them” (Siddiqa-i-Kainat, p.98)

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