Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Mansur al-Hallaj and the Devil


نحمده ونصلى ونسلم على رسوله الكريم

والعاقبة للمتّقين


Mansur al-Hallaj and the Devil



Sufism represents the mystical aspect of Islam and is a religious movement that focuses on establishing a living and dynamic relationship between the Lord God Allah and the worshiper, through purification of the heart and intensity of worship. This tendency was present in the very early days of Islam and produced thousands upon thousands of saints and ascetics through whom the religion of Islam spread largely among the non-Arabs.
Nevertheless, with the passage of time, popular Sufism became corrupt due to innovations and heresies. One can pinpoint this deviation from the true spirit of Sufism with individuals like Mansur al-Hallaj, Ibn Arabi, and others, who deviated in the realm of ideas far away from the firm principles of Islam.
With respect to Mansur al-Hallaj, many of his Sufi contemporaries opposed him because of his deviations. Tragically, Mansur is considered a martyr and saint by contemporary so-called ‘Sufis’ and both the Deobandi and Barelwi sects. They defend Mansur’s apparent heresies and attempt to interpret them with far-fetched interpretations and conceal their real purport.
 Among the scandals of Mansur al-Hallaj was his apparent defense of Iblis (the devil) and attempt to portray the latter as a true monotheist and lover of God معاذ الله
“Moses met Iblis on the slope of Sinai and said to him: ‘O Iblis, what prevented you from prostrating?’ He said: ‘That which prevented me was my declaration of a Unique Beloved, and if I had prostrated I would have become like you, because you were only called upon once to ‘look at the mountain’ and you looked. As for me, I was called upon a thousand times to prostrate myself to Adam and I did not prostrate myself because I stood by the intention of my declaration. Moses said: ‘You abandoned a Command?’ Iblis said: ‘It was a test. Not a command.’ Moses said: ‘Without sin? But your face was deformed.’ Iblis replied: ‘O Moses, that is but the ambiguity of appearances, while the spiritual state does not rely on it and does not change. Gnosis remains true even as it was at the beginning and does not change even if the individual changes.’ Moses said: ‘Do you remember Him now?’ ‘O Moses, pure mind does not have need of memory - by it I am remembered and He is remembered. His remembrance is my remembrance, and my remembrance is His remembrance. How, when remembering ourselves, can we two be other than one? My service is now purer, my time more pleasant, my remembrance more glorious, because I served Him in the absolute for my good fortune, and now I serve Him for Himself.’ ‘I lifted greed from everything which prevents or defends for the sake of loss as well as gain. He isolated me, made me ecstatic, confused me, expelled me, so that I would no mix with the saints. He put me far from others because of my jealousy for Him alone. He deformed me, because He amazed me, and amazed me because He banished me. He banished me because I was a servant and put me in a forbidden state because of my companionship. He showed my lack of worth because I praised His Glory. He reduced me to a simple robe of ihram because if my hijya. He left me because of my union, He unified me because he cut me off. He cut me off because He had prevented my desire. By His Truth I was not in error in respect to His decree, I did not refuse destiny. I did not care at all about the deformation of my face. I kept my equilibrium throughout these sentences. If He punishes me with His fire for all of eternity I would not prostrate myself before anyone, and I would not abase myself before any person or body because I do not recognize any opposite with Him! My feclaration is that of the sincere and I am one of those sincere in love.” (Tawasin)

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