Saturday, 28 May 2022

Mu'tazilite Denial of Disclosing of Unseen to Saints

The Mu’tazilite exegete Abul-Qasim Mahmud bin Umar al-Zamakhshari commenting on the passage of the Quran:

عٰلِمُ الۡغَیۡبِ فَلَا یُظۡہِرُ عَلٰی غَیۡبِہٖۤ اَحَدًا

اِلَّا مَنِ ارۡتَضٰی مِنۡ رَّسُوۡلٍ

Knower of the unseen, so He does not manifest His unseen upon anyone except one He is pleased with of an Apostle

(Surah 72:26-27)

تبيين لمن ارتضى يعني أنه لا يطلع على الغيب إلا المرتضى الذي هو مصطفى للنبوة خاصة لا كل مرتضى. وفي هذا إبطال للكرامات لأنّ الذين تضاف إليهم وإن كانوا أولياء مرتضين فليسوا برسل. وقد خصّ الله الرسل من بين المرتضين بالاطلاع على الغيب وإبطال الكهانة والتنجيم لأنّ أصحابهما أبعد شيء من الارتضاء وأدخله في السخط

An explanation of the one He is pleased with, that is, He does not inform of the unseen except to the one chosen for Prophesy particularly, and not every one He is pleased with. And in this is a falsification of the karâmât [miracles of the Saints] because although Saints are ones with whom Allah is pleased they are not Apostles. Allah has particularized the Apostles from among those with whom He is pleased for disclosing of the unseen. And it is a falsification of fortune telling and astrology as its companions are the furthest from Allah’s contentment but are entered into His discontent (al-Kashshâf, p.1149):

I have previously answered the doubt raised by the Mu’tazilah and others concerning this passage in the Quran.

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