بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
نحمده ونصلى ونسلم على رسوله
The awaited Mahdi is such a figure in the Religion of Islam that without
him this Religion would seem incomplete and imperfect. The idea that there in
the near future a savior will come to deliver the oppressed and the faithful
from the harsh trials of the world and the cruelties inflicted upon them by the
tyrannical and unjust rulers is in fact the pride and joy of Islam through
which it can boast over other religions which have for the most part given up
on the messianic expectation. The majority of Christians no longer
believe in the imminent return of Christ, but have rather spiritualised the
concept. The Catholic Church, for example, condemns millenarian and messianic
expectations; instead asserting that all such expectations are already
fulfilled in the institution of the Church. Likewise, the majority of Jews no
longer eagerly wait for the coming of the Jewish Messiah. Reform Jews have
dispensed with the concept altogether, while the vitality of the Zionist
movement resulted in many Jews feeling that the modern State of Israel has for
all intents and purposes fulfilled the messianic expectation of their
Jewish forefathers. Hence, for the Christians it is the Roman Church, and for
the Jews, it is the State of Israel, that is the savior and the manifestation
of God’s deliverance of His people. There is no need for an individual Messiah or
Messianic-figure to come now.
Now let the reader understand the grave problem with this. Despite the
establishment of the Church and the State of Israel, not only does one witness
the great corruption throughout the world, but it is self-evident that this
corruption is spreading and becoming worse. The impoverished, malnourished,
oppressed, weak, sick, and marginalised are crying out to God to rescue them
from their plight. The earthly rulers are becoming more oppressive and cruel.
The gap between an exclusive class of super wealthy people and the needy masses
grows wider and wider with no sign of relenting. War and violence is all
around, especially in the Middle East. So if the Catholic Church or the State
of Israel truly is the fulfilment of the messianic expectation, it is
obvious that both have utterly failed, and are in fact part of the problem
rather than the solution to it. The Catholic Church is a powerful institution
akin to a transnational corporation. It is the dominant religion in that part
of the world (the West) where people are spiritually dead and consumed by
consumerism and pursuit of their love of the world. Its head, the Pope of Rome,
decked in his luxurious, fine robes, is more remnicient of Caesar in all his
pomp, than the meek and humble Christ. Likewise, the State of Israel is a state
with great military strength and economic power, but is essentially secular in
both its laws and the society it governs. Ironically, the more religious and
observant Jews, though representing a small minority, are either lukewarm to
the State of Israel or else openly in contempt of it. If the State of Israel is
the Messiah, it is the Messiah of materialism and secularism, which
self-evidently mistreats its Palestinian and Arab subjects.
In fact, it is these powerful institutions such as the large Churches and
the powerful States of the world which have a vested interest in making people
turn away and lose faith in the messianic expectation, which they regard
as the greatest threat to their hegemony and continued reign of evil. They know
very well that if ordinary people affirm in their hearts and minds the idea
that a Messiah will come soon and remedy the injustices done to the
dispossessed by fighting and becoming triumphant against the evil powers and
institutions that govern the world, it will result in them losing confidence,
loyalty in respect even in the present. On the other hand, if the people become
persuaded that there is no individual savior who is going to come and
miraculously save them from their plight, the people will eventually be forced
to acknowledge in their hearts the permanence of the present setup and
reluctantly accept it. This is the psychological state of mind that the
powerful Churches and States of this world want to induce in order to secure
their position.
Regrettably, some Muslim thinkers and sects are either outright opposed to
the idea of a coming Mahdi (Islamic savior), or else severely downplay and
neglect it. The modernist thinkers in particular are the greatest culprits.
They assert that there is no Mahdi or even a theme of a messianic
expectation in the Holy Qur’an, and thus dismiss it. But they are not only
motivated in doing so by their strict and superficial reading of the Text. Modernists,
influenced by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Allama Iqbal, Muhammad Ali Pasha, Muhammad
Abduh and Mustafa Kamal “Ataturk”, consider the transient State as the ultimate
expression of the ideals and values of Islam. For them, a powerful,
Westernised, modern, and economically thriving State must be the ultimate aspiration
for the Muslims. Hence for them the idea of waiting or expecting a Mahdi, a
charismatic, spiritual figure, is repulsive and unnatural. Like the modern
Christians and Jews, these modernist Muslims see a strong and modern Muslim
state as being the fulfilment of any messianic expectation. This is what
“Ataturk” envisioned and worked for in modern Turkey, what Iqbal envisioned for
and what was realised through Jinnah for Pakistan, and the project begun
through Muhammad Ali Pasha and realised through Gamal Abdel Nasser for modern
Egypt. All of the above named individuals would find the idea of a coming Mahdi,
sent with the objective of overturning the modern world, absolutely horrifying.
Some Muslim thinkers, characterised by Nasibi tendencies, such as
enmity toward the Prophet’s ﷺ household and progeny, likewise
reject the concept of the Mahdi, which they accuse of being a Shi’ite
fabrication. For example, Mahmud Ahmad Abbasi, writes:
آمد و خروج مہدی کی حدیثیں مختلف اشخاص اور خاندانوں کے
سیاسی اغراض کی خاطر وقتا فوقتا وضع ہوئیں پیشتر ان میں سے حضرت فاطمہ رض
کی نسل کے کسی شخص کے بارے میں ہیں۔
“The Ahadith about the coming of the Mahdi were fabricated over time by
different individuals and families for political objectives. Most of them are
regarding an individual from the progeny of Hadrat FatimaRA.”
Reference: Tahqiq Sayyad o Saadat p.199
Now of course, the typical Nasibi is motivated in his perverse thoughts and
ideas by a sense of pride in and loyalty to the Ummayad dynasty. It was the
Ummayads who ruled over the Muslims and were hated by them because of their
being drowned in love of worldly delights and luxury, and their being corrupt,
irreligious, and tyrannical. Yazid the cursed, for the love of power and lust
after worldly delights, had the audacity to oppose the Prophet’sSAW
beloved grandson, Imam al-HussainRA, resulting in the latter’s
tragic martyrdom in the plains of Karbala. Likewise, the Ummayads faught
against and perpetrated injustices against the Prophet’sSAW
companions when they rose up against them, such as Abdullah b. al-ZubayrRA
and sayyidina Suleman b. Surad al-Khuza’iRA. Now it becomes clear
that during the tyrannical and unjust rule of the Ummayads and Abbasids, the messianic
expectation intensified among the faithful. There were literally dozens of
armed uprisings against various Ummayad and Abbasid ruler, most of them
motivated by messianic expectation. Hence it is understandable why the
wretched Nasibis ridicule and reject the Islamic concept of the Mahdi.
Now in response to the doubts raised by the modernists, Hadith-rejecters,
and Nasibis, we will present some proof-texts from the Holy Qur’an and Ahadith
concerning the promise of a coming Mahdi:
فِي الدُّنْيَا خِزْيٌ وَلَهُمْ فِي الْآخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ
For them in this world is disgrace, and they will have in
the Hereafter a great punishment.
(Sura 2:114)
In explaining this Ayah, Imam al-Suddi (d. 127 H) said:
حدثنا موسى قال : حدثنا عمرو قال : حدثنا
أسباط ، عن السدي قوله : ( لهم في الدنيا خزي ) ، أما خزيهم في الدنيا ، فإنهم إذا
قام المهدي وفتحت القسطنطينية قتلهم ، فذلك الخزي ، وأما العذاب العظيم ، فإنه عذاب
جهنم الذي لا يخفف عن أهله
Al-Suddi said concerning Allah’s saying ‘for them in this world is disgrace’
(2:114): “As for their disgrace in this world, it is when the Mahdi rises and
conquers Constantinople, killing them, so that is the disgrace. And as for the
great punishment, it is the punishment of Jahannam which will not be lightened
for its inmated.”
Reference: Tafsir Ibn Jarir al-Tabari
And there are many authentic Ahadith which explicitly mention the Mahdi.
They describe him as: 1. A descendant of the ProphetSAW through his
daughter sayyida FatimaRA 2. Bearing the name of the ProphetSAW
(Muhammad or Ahmad) 3. Having a broad forehead and aquiline nose 4. Fills the
Earth with justice after it was filled with injustice 5. Gives out wealth
abundantly without counting
These are the basic and established characteristics of the coming Mahdi
based on absolutely authentic and sound Ahadith.
IMO, Quran [9:33], [48.28] and [61.9] are more appropriate than Quran [2:114].