Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Hanafi Fiqh: Allowed to Slaughter and Sell Dog, Donkey Meat and Meat of Carnivorous Predators!

According to the book Fatawa Alamgiri, which is a basic manual of Hanafi fiqh rulings compiled under the authority of the Mughal emperor Aurangzaib, it is allowed to slaughter and sell the meat of dogs and donkeys! (despite the fact their consumption is forbidden in Islam):

إذَا ذَبَحَ كَلْبَهُ وَبَاعَ لَحْمَهُ جَازَ وَكَذَا إذَا ذَبَحَ حِمَارَهُ وَبَاعَ لَحْمَهُ

Translation: It is permissible to slaughter one's dog and sell its meat, and likewise, to slaughter one's donkey and sell its meat.

Furthermore, on the same page, the Hanafi fiqh allows for the slaughtering and selling of the meat of all predatory (wild) beasts (like lions, bears, cheetahs, crocodiles, etc.):

وَيَجُوزُ بَيْعُ لُحُومِ السِّبَاعِ وَالْحُمُرِ الْمَذْبُوحَةِ في الرِّوَايَةِ الصَّحِيحَةِ

Translation: And it is permissible to sell the meat of predatory/carnivorous animals, and slaughtered donkeys according to an authentic narration.

Source: Fatawa Alamgiri, Vol. 3, P. 115

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