Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Mughiriya and Jarudiya Sect Believe Nafs al-Zakiya is Alive

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ ، وَعَلَى أَزْوَاجِهِ وَذُرِّيَّتِهِ ، كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ ، وَبَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى أَزْوَاجِهِ وَذُرِّيَّتِهِ ، كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ ، إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ


I have mentioned in passing previously on this blog the great Imam of the Prophet Muhammad’s blessed progeny, sayyidina Muhammad b. Abd Allah known as “Nafs al-Zakiya” (radi Allahu anh), and his armed uprising against the hated Abbasid ruler “al-Mansur” in Medina, 762 CE, in which the Imam was tragically martyred. Yet there were extremist Shi’ites who refused to believe that the Imam Nafs al-Zakiya was killed, and asserted that he had gone into occultation and would return (raj’a) before Judgment Day. Interestingly, this claim of an occultation for Imam Nafs al-Zakiya preceded the Twelver Shi’ite assertion that their fictional “Twelfth Imam” went into occultation a little over a century afterwards, in 874 CE. The heresiographer, Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi, mentions a faction of the Jarudiya Zaydiya who “awaited Muhammad ibn-‘Abdallah ibn-al-Hasan ibn-‘Ali ibn-abi-Talib. They would not believe that he had been slain, or that he died, but claimed that he was the expected Mahdi who would come to reign over the world. This group joined with the Muhammadiyah from the Imamiyah in looking for Muhammad ibn-‘Abdallah ibn-al-Hasan ibn-‘Ali as the expected Imam.” (Moslem Schisms and Sects p.44)
Regarding this sect, the Muhammadiya, he explains later that they are attributed to the heretic al-Mughira b. Sa’id al-Ijli, the mawla of Khalid b. Abd Allah al-Qasri. They believe that the Imam, Nafs al-Zakiya, was not killed but is at Mt. Hajir in the district of Najd until he is commanded to return, and that he is the expected Mahdi. (ibid p.62-63)
Abu al-Hasan al-Ashari likewise wrote about this sect, the Mughiriya, and how they believe that the Imam, Nafs al-Zakiya, is the Mahdi, and that he is alive, stationed on the mountain of al-Hajir (Maqalat al-Islamiyin p.96).

The Shi’ite heresiographer, al-Nawbakhti, mentions these doctrines of this sect too, whom he says were a faction of the companions of Imam Abu Ja’far (Muhammad al-Baqir). (Firaq al-Shi’a p.74)

1 comment:

  1. *Note: Regarding Mughira, "He started out, so far as the evidence allows us to judge, as a proponent of the Imamate of al-Baqir. At some point after his rejection by that Imam - which may have been precipitated by his declaring the Imam a god - he proclaimed the Imamate of al-Nafs al-Zakiyya and may even have declared him to be the Mahdi...Mughira must also have declared himself to be a prophet of the Mahdi al-Nafs al-Zakiyya. This means that Mughira probably claimed to be both the rightful Imam and a prophet: the Mughiriyya after his death were characterized, in part, by their recognition of his prophetic Imamate. The evidence, then, suggests that Mughira began as a follower of the Imam al-Baqir, switched allegiance to the Imamate of al-Nafs al-Zakiyya, and ended his career claiming the Imamate for himself as a prophet of the Mahdi al-Nafs al-Zakiyya." (Wasserstrom, Steven. The Moving Finger Writes: Mughira B. Sa'id's Islamic Gnosis and the Myths of Its Rejection p.15)


Sinner Not a Believer When Actively Committing the Sin

  بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ ‌ قُدُّوسٌ ‌قُدُّوسٌ ‌قُدُّوسٌ الصلاة والسلام عليك يا سيدي يا رسول الله In the Name of Allah, th...