وسلامك على نبيك وعبدك محمد
آله وازواجه وذريته
years ago, I exposed the little known Twelver Shi’ite heresy of a
belief in a revealed scripture after the holy Qur’an called the
Mus-haf of Fatimah. According to their belief, the Angel Gabriel عليه
السلام descended
upon sayyidatuna Fatimahسلام
الله عليها and
revealed matters of the unseen to her, which was written down by Amir
al-Mu’minin Ali bin Abi Talib كرم
الله وجهه and
composed as a scripture. Fudail bin Sukrah narrates that he entered
upon Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq, the sixth Imam of the Imamiyah Shi’ah,
who informed him:
انظر في كتاب فاطمة (
من ملك يملك الارض الا وهو مكتوب فيه باسمه
واسم ابيه وما وجدت لولد الحسن فيه شيئا
was looking at the Book of Fatimah. There isn’t a single king who
will rule in the Earth except that his name and the name of his
father is written in it. But I did not find any of the progeny of
al-Hasan in it.” (al-Kafi; v.1 p.143):
it can be ascertained that if there really was such a revealed
scripture as the so-called ‘Book of Fatimah’, it is not a
heavenly revelation, as it evidently contains a manifest falsehood.
History bears witness that there were indeed kings and rulers, men
possessing temporal authority in the Earth, who were direct
descendants of the Prophet’s grandson Hasan bin Ali رضى
الله عنهما.
The Idrisid dynasty that ruled Morocco from 788-974 CE were
descendants of Imam Hasan bin Ali. Likewise, the present Hashemite
Kingdom of Jordan is ruled by a Hasanid dynasty, the present King of
Jordan, Abdullah II, is a direct descendant of Imam Hasan bin Ali.
This family also briefly ruled the Hejaz and Iraq as kings in the
previous century.
The present King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, and his Alaouite dynasty, are likewise descendants of Imam Hasan رضى الله عنه