Previously, I explained a fatal scientific error in the Granth (Sikh scripture) which describes the moon as a lamp. In this entry, I shall expose another error in the Granth, which is the idea that the planet Earth is being carried on the head of a bull:
Dhoul Dharam da-i-aa kaa poot.
The mythical bull is Dharma, the son of compassion;
santokh thaap rakhi-aa jin soot.
this is what patiently holds the earth in its place.
Dhavlai upar kaytaa bhaar.
What a great load there is on the bull!
aapay Dhartee Dha-ul akaasaN.
He Himself is the earth, the mythical bull which supports it and the Akaashic ethers.
hukmay Dhartee Dha-ul sir bhaaraN.
The Hukam of His Command is the mythical bull which supports the burden of the earth on its head.
For references, see page (ang) 3, verse 13
Page 1021, verse 11 and page 1037 verse 3