Thursday, 30 January 2025

Islamic Society vs. Islamic State

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

قدوس قدوس قدوس

In the Name of Allah, the Rahman, the Merciful

Holy, Holy, Holy

Zionist occupation of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) rightfully pains and infuriates Muslims worldwide, but so should Saudi “custody” of the Haramain (Mecca and Medina). While Zionist occupation is certainly more brutal and is made worse by the fact they are non-Muslims who bear fanatical hostility to Islam, Saudi control is more insidious because it serves to normalize in the Muslim mind a terrible state of affairs in the Sanctuaries. It is argued that things are running smoothly in the Haramain so it is unwise and even forbidden as per Shariah to agitate against the Saudis. I agree with this sentiment. As Sunni Muslims we prioritize stability over chaos and anarchy. And the House of Saud is still Muslim, so it is forbidden to revolt against any Muslim ruler no matter how tyrannical or autocratic. Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman or MBS is undoubtedly an evil man, a devil in human form who is on the path of war against our God Allah and His Apostle, sall Allahu alaihi wasallam. His liberalization of Arabia and spreading of decadence in the Land should anger any true Believer. So as we pray for the liberation of Jerusalem and Palestine from the Zionist infidels we should likewise pray fervently to our God Allah for the liberation of the Haramain.

Now more important than the establishment of an Islamic state is the establishment of an Islamic society. In recent history many states have claimed to be Islamic, including Saudi Arabia, but also Iran, Pakistan and Sudan. None of the aforementioned are or were Islamic. But a truly Islamic society is one where the hearts of the people are for Allah and His Apostle, sall Allahu alaihi wasallam. The Mosques are filled with worshippers, the Madaris and Islamic schools are thriving, there is a multitude of Ulama, Sufis, preachers and devotees. Everywhere there is the sound of the Quran being recited and the Adhan being proclaimed. Women, when they go out in public, are covered head to toe. The people cling to their Islamic identity, appearance and dress. There are no cinemas, nightclubs or lounges. The society is cleansed of the filth of alcohol and drugs. It is a high trust society, where crime is extremely rare, rather virtually non-existent. Muslims busy themselves in studying the Religion. Rather than worthless musicians, actors and athletes the celebrities are the men of Religion; the Ulama, the Mashayikh and the charismatic preachers. Working to establish such a society is exponentially more important than the political activity aimed at making an Islamic state. This was the Islamic society that thrived in Medina during the time of the Holy Prophet, sall Allahu alaihi wasallam, and its protection and maintenance was the aim of the subsequent Rashidun Caliphate. The great thing about turning our priority to establishing an Islamic society rather than a state is that it is a struggle in which all Muslims may participate in a meaningful way. It is a grassroots effort, which I see certain Islamic outfits leading the way, perhaps the most prominent of them being Tablighi Jamaat, but certainly there are others too. The recent Saudi ban on Tablighi Jamaat illustrates the enmity they have toward Islam and how their hearts are captive to Shaytan. The Emiratis are even worse than the Saudis. These are people whose hardheartedness is perceived by the fact they have absolutely no concern from the Ummah. A Hadith says:

وَمَنْ ‌لَمْ ‌يَهْتَمَّ ‌بِأَمْرِ ‌الْمُسْلِمِينَ ‌فَلَيْسَ ‌مِنْهُمْ

"Whoever is not concerned with the affairs of the Muslims does not belong to them"

The first step toward any effort to rectify our state of affairs and make ourselves right with Allah to elicit His favor once again is to sincerely and fervently repent. Both on a collective and individual level repentance is imperative. Taliban are the most successful today in having established both an Islamic society and state. After them I sense some goodness in the hearts of some Muslim rulers, like Erdogan of Turkey, the Emirs of Qatar and perhaps the new government that managed to liberate Syria.

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